Dear Readers,
As we kick off yet another great Black History Month, we are thrilled to officially introduce you to the The Stripes’ new website! After months of hard work from our executive board, content staff, and production team, we are very happy to present this new platform. We sincerely hope you enjoy the opportunity to engage to with our content in new and exciting ways.
In addition to launching our new interface, The Stripes has decided to kicked-off Black History Month by featuring a number of new pieces. Our pieces range from comments about the current political climate, to to the importance of love and family. We are very fortunate to have a passionate and engaging group of writers contributing to The Stripes this semester. So, check out our newest content here and when you’re done, let us know your thoughts via Facebook, Twitter, or email at We really do want to hear what you have to say so keep on commenting, sharing, and engaging with our pieces.
If you still can’t get enough of The Stripes, feel free to look back on some of our favorite Black History Month pieces:
Ferguson’s Role In Black History Month: Check out a discussion of Ferguson, and the Black Lives Matter Movement here, written right in the midst of city and campus protests worldwide.
“This is a fear I have not only for myself but also for the Princeton community and society at large. I am afraid. I am afraid that people will stop thinking about Ferguson because it is easy to do so—because, to many, it is simply no longer news worthy of coverage.”
Black Women’s Lives Matter Too: Read a piece on the oft forgotten narrative of black women in the story of social justice movements here.
“At those same protests in which activists, young and old, highlight the deaths of Black men, I always notice one lone and audacious woman holding up a sign with the names of murdered Black girls and women penned on it.”
Why Does America Need A Black History Month?: Take a look at the argument presented here for why a Black History Month is needed in America, now more than ever.
“American children, especially descendants of the Diaspora, are not given adequate instruction on, not just American History, but specifically Black History. We don’t spend too much time on slavery because it is supposedly too depressing or traumatic for young children, and when we do, the focus is mostly on the impact on the economy, not necessarily the evils of the institution itself and its lasting legacy.”
Finally, we want to extend a special thank you to everyone that has helped up during this crazy period of transition for The Stripes. We could not have come this far without the assistance and support of countless individuals. As they say, it takes a village. So, with that we welcome you to The Stripes new home. As always, we appreciate the time and attention you all give to our work. If you have any comments, questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
Your Editors-In-Chief,
Cierra Robson and Lauren Richardson
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