Letter From the Editors: 2017 Fall Letter

Dear Readers,

Welcome back! We hope your summer was full of excitement, relaxation, and thought. A lot has happened since we last spoke: difficult and divisive events such as protests in Charlottesville, North Carolina; controversial statements made by President Trump; persisting instances of police brutality; President Eisgruber’s statement on DACA; and a series of devastating natural disasters continue to shape our political discourses. We hope that it has become apparent to you, as it has to us, how important it is to have the kinds of conversations that The Stripes aims to bring to the forefront of our campus discussions.


Each year, we strive to bring The Stripes closer to our imagined utopia: a place where everyone on campus can engage in conversations surrounding identity and politics, and directly interact with new and different opinions on some of the most important topics to our Princeton community and the world. This year, the stripes looks forward to continuing our mission of providing a platform for traditionally underrepresented voices within the Princeton community to reflect on personal experiences, perceptions, and minority identity. We hope that by providing a space for critical reflection on issues affecting marginalized groups, individuals are  better informed, more willing to engage in intellectual conversations surrounding these issues, and inspired to take meaningful action to change these realities.

To this end, we would like to thank last year’s staff and contributors: without you, the our efforts would be fruitless.

To the Class of 2021: welcome to campus. We encourage you to engage with us critically and thoughtfully. We would love to hear what you have to say about us, our world, and our campus.

As always, we want to know what you –yes you– want to read and talk about. If you have content ideas, would like to write for us, or have questions, concerns or comments, please shoot us an email at tstripes@princeton.edu.

It’s a new year, and The Stripes is back and better than ever.

Your Editors-In-Chief,

Lauren Richardson and Cierra Robson